Sunday, October 16, 2011

The stupidest cat in the world

My brother Snowy is the stupidest cat in the world. Don't be fooled by his teddy-bear looks. He's a real silly fellow:
He pees wherever he feels like it.
He runs with no destination.
He sleeps on the floor.
He swallows hair (his and mine) and then vomits, argh!!
He doesn't know how to meaow.
Oh, and his face is like an old lady's!

Memoirs of a bulimic cat

Incredible the things one has to do to keep fit.
Being a beautiful creature has its drawbacks and when my female-giant's friend (the one that smells so good) told me I was a bit chubby, well, I had no choice. I tried all the plants in the kitchen (they all taste delicious, by the way) and voilĂ , I threw up on the bathroom tiles...
This morning I wanted to eat plants again but...surprisingly enough, there were none at sight!!!! I think I know who has put them all on the fridge out of my reach... She's gonna pay for it tonight, when she's fast asleep...I'm gonna sit right on her face!!!! Let's see who laughs best...heaow, heaow, heaow!! Dolfo.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Cat off a hot tin roof

My name is Dolfo and I love:
Chasing doves on the roof... Since I fell off and my Giants had to pay 450€ for my leg operation I am not allowed to do that any more.
Chasing flies knocking over lamps and everything on my way.
Biting my brother making him cry out loud
Waking up my Giants by scratching their bedroom door and making annoying noises.
Sleeping on my male-Giant.
Walking on my Giants while they are asleep.
Eating my female-Giant's plants and flowers (also peeing on them when she's not looking).